Saturday, December 27, 2008

Winter in So Cal

As I try to master the art of blogging, let me try writing before adding photos.

I tried taking Tucker for a walk yesterday. We made it three doors down. The neighbor's German Shepard was off leash in the front yard and the neighbor was no where around. Tucker, who never barks I am told, found his voice! We hightailed it back home with the German Shepard, "Chewie," on our heels. Chewie followed us right to my front door!

Today, we made it down the street and around the corner where Tucker promptly relieved himself! OK, maybe Toby spoiled me. Toby would never relieve himself in public. So I was unprepared. Back home we trotted for the necessary cleanup supplies.

Third attempt: After depositing Tucker's gift in the proper receptacle, we set off again. By then, I was getting tired. I barely recovered from the flu and came down with a sore throat and headache. So I am still recovering my strength. Good excuse anyway. Tucker and I walked around the block, not my usual two mile intervals. Beautiful day to be in So Cal. Cold, sunny, and brisk. Mt Baldy is covered with snow. For those of you transplanted So Californians, see what you left?

We miss you.


  1. I am so amazed that you had any energy at all! I crashed on Friday and Terry did all the cleaning up, bless his heart. Now I'm off to the twins for more fun. . . and a new blog?

  2. Hey! What happened to the link I set up on your blog to my blog? There is only one way at the bottom?

  3. Oh you poor thing--- those dogs are a handful!

  4. It's almost 70 degrees here today! Enjoy that dog...
